There has never been a better time to be a traveling nurse. Long a profession in high-demand, the COVID-19 pandemic has only heightened the need for experienced nurses at locations all throughout the United States. And now, with a rapidly improving economy and job market, there’s never been more career options for traveling nurses. Yet even in today’s job market for nurses there is plenty of competition for the best positions. To ensure you stand out among the competition, our team at Fidé prepared some helpful tips for building the best traveling nurse resume.

Tip One: Align your resume with the specific job description

Remember that every traveling nurse position is unique. Taking the time to align your resume and cover letter accordingly is the easiest way to get an advantage. Pay close attention to the position description. Determine what type of words or phrases the organization is using, whether to describe the position itself or the type of qualities a candidate would need to be successful. Read up on the organization’s values or mission statement. Then, go back through your resume and see how you might be able to weave this language into it in a way that is true to your experience but also aligned with the organization and position.

Tip Two: Pay attention to formatting and keep it simple

Of course, spelling, punctuation and grammar are all crucial. But you will also want to ensure your resume looks good from a design and formatting standpoint. Remember that your resume will go through an applicant tracking system (ATS) so it is important to keep it simple. Here are some dos and don’ts:

  • Keep it black and white (avoid bright font colors or backgrounds)
  • Don’t insert pictures, videos, graphs or any other visuals
  • Ensure you include what is known in nursing as the "Big Six" (Summary, Specialty, Licenses & Certifications, Professional Experience, Computer Skills, Education)

Tip Three: Don’t forget the extras

While your resume should be easy-to-read, streamlined, and include all relevant skills and experiences, do not forget the extras – outside-of-work accomplishments. Pertinent information you might consider including:

  • Research – If you have led, or even participated in clinical or scientific research; especially if it has been published, do not be shy about sharing it. List where the research was featured and any conferences where you and others may have presented it.
  • Volunteering – Nurses are a busy bunch and there are only so many hours in the day. But it’s also common for nurses to practice clinical care outside the typical setting of a clinic or hospital. Even if it is not healthcare-related, volunteer activities help nurses stand out among a crowded applicant field.
  • Awards and Honors – Don’t be modest. This is the place to put your awards and honors front and center. They demonstrate not just the times in which you went above and beyond, but also speak volumes about character, competence and work ethic – qualities hard to communicate in other parts of the resume.

Contact Us and Let’s Get to Work

Whether you need help polishing your resume, or you’re actively looking for your next nursing position, contact us. We are always hiring registered nurses throughout the country. Let’s get to work.
Tags: traveling nurse, profession, high-demand, COVID-19 pandemic, experienced nurses, United States, career options, competition, resume, job description, cover letter, organization, values, formatting